Joseph T.

We are beginning a journey together: I think it is correct to introduce myself …

From a physical point of view (first part of the book), let’s start with my nickname when I was a child: “skinny”, because I was so thin and puny.

And this is how I have been for a long part of my life.

Until I had the strength to change.

photo of the author relaxing on a mountain

To really understand how the human body works, I studied scientific subjects (biology, chemistry, anatomy); attended Courses (Personal Trainer in several languages, with recognition at European level; gym instructor); obtained several Certificates following specific seminars (in sports nutrition, body weight regulation, specialization on macronutrients, functional training, musical fitness, specific nutrition in sport, integration for weight loss, hypertrophy and general well-being, mental training, postural with specialization in evaluation, programming and choice of exercises, training with elastic bands, in-depth study of basic exercises and for strength and hypertrophy training, biomechanics in the use of weights, in-depth study on the optimal setting of a workout and much more).

I experimented with numerous sports (with success or not), in addition to the considerable personal experience in the world of gyms. For example, I had awards in fencing (electric foil), practiced horse riding, athletics, training with Special Departments of the Italian Army (I was a cadet of a Military School, as well as an Official of the Military Academy).

I took the best of every experience, trying to understand the mechanisms of the human body.

Until today, where I can get a good physical structure, 100% natural, at a “no more teenage”, with a training of only about 180 minutes a week (3 sessions of 1 hour each), balanced diet but without restrictions, with natural cheats, without unnecessary or excessive sacrifices, obtaining lasting results, in less time, and not “living only for the gym”!

From an “interior” point of view (second part of the book) I did not have a simple life (I write it with great tranquility now: I overcome the past, also because I would not be able to change it anyway!).

Since in the womb I heard only “screams”.

My father was an alcoholic.

I have been bullied, lived with fear, violence; had my first sexual experience at 6 (for me, it was only a game…).

I was orphaned at 12, with no brothers or sisters, and went to an orphanage.

Only point of reference: my Mother.

Then I began the aforementioned military experience; which ended because I still had too much “anger” inside to be disciplined as required.

Therefore, I found myself, alone, all over again, in the World, with two possibilities:

letting myself be influenced by the past, throwing away what was left of the future as well.

Or, roll up my sleeves and try to create something good, already having such a strong experience behind me.

I “chose” the second path.

I enrolled at the University. In the morning I worked at the post office; in the afternoon I did the cleaning in the public baths (precarious jobs, to support myself in my studies). During my lunch break, I took exams and finally graduated at the age of 23 in Law (I’m not a “nerd”, quite the contrary! I simply developed my own techniques for learning …).

In the meantime, I have also slept in stations and cellars; but I still retained the pride in shaving at the fountain on the street, before going to a job interview.

At the age of 25 I passed the exam in the first instance and I was already a lawyer.

Up to the age of 27 I taught Law and Economics in two Institutes in Rome.

At the age of 28 I won the first public competition in which I participated, in the Research sector, with an office near the Pantheon in Rome, and important experiences and collaborations at national and international level.

The self-control learned since childhood (in order to don’t get crazy in this Existence) has allowed me to distinguish professional life from private one; in the first I was successful, while in the second a complete disaster, with sometimes exaggerated behaviors, absurd nights, indescribable experiences, periods of absolute recklessness.

All this evidently stemmed from lack of acceptance, basic dissatisfaction, repression of everything experienced since birth.

Until today, with the need for a break (body and mind were at the limits) to better understand what to do “when I grow up”, after having achieved all the goals I had set for myself, and with an inner serenity obtained through paths, studies and experiences, which I hope to convey with the reflections contained in the second part of the book (in a more complete autobiography, I will try to tell in detail the EXTRA-ordinary life that I have lived, from the peaks at the bottom to those at the top: there is really a lot to tell…).

In the meantime, I also tried to transmit some of my good energy (a way to thank for the many good things that I received in my life, despite everything).

Helping as many people as possible in all fields, doing voluntary in central Africa (Burkina Faso), at public kennels, observing the stars in search of a reason for all this (astronomy: one of my great passions ).

I sincerely hope to be able to pass on at least a little of my experience and what I have learned, to not to repeat my own mistakes, and to help you improve…

from the body…to the mind!