Joseph T.

“Total Trainer” can be a faithful life-partner, which you’ll have by your side whenever you want, to find the suitable motivations and solutions for the situation.

The first part will provide you with wealth of information and tips, if you are interested in starting physical aspect (for yourself or to make it a profession).
Starting from basics, even for the beginners, with a gradual approach, without extreme or unnecessary sacrifices, in less time and with lasting results (I actually have maximum 3 workouts for week, using an already tested circuit and without drastic diets).
Up to the ASAP technique (an acronym from Italian which stands for “Training Under Pressive Activity” – registration eTAG Central Europe n. 00588bba9062640e411ea0f24f73ec8b).

In the second part, you’ll find the “Total Trainer” (eTAG Central Europe n. 2b19beb1074ecafad1f1099d7ec0c531), that can be applied on yourself or on the Others (as a profession), starting that virtuous mechanism whereby, if you feel physically well, you feel better in Life, you notice more “good things” and attract them to You, you level up, find a sense, know who you are, what you are truly looking for, ignoring all the distractions that limit your Happiness.

I lived an EXTRA-ordinary Life (in the meaning of “out of the ordinary”, for better or for worse), starting from big disadvantages but achieving outstanding results in many fields (take a look at my bio in the main menu, if you like).
I’m putting my decades of experience, successes, mistakes, blunders, that you can use for your physical and Life goals.
You will get great results even if you apply just a few!
In the end, let me know how you get benefits from it, by sending me an email or commenting on the blog: because you could be an example, a model for many Others.